Wednesday, April 15, 2015

My Child, Summer Will Be Here Soon

As read on 40 Story Radio Tower 
May 21st, 2015

My child, summer will be here soon.
The cold tore us apart.
It used to love us-
when we were all cozy reading piles of books,
and eating popcorn until we thought
we'd explode.
I kept you from the chill,
although I endured a constant storm.
There's a little more sunshine peering out now,
and how I long to watch your hair turn blond again.
We'll be flying kites,
and digging up rocks in no time,
and I'll be proud to see all that dirt under your nails,
and sand castle pails-
patted down at the lakeside beach.
Let's build it so high-
that the sun will always keep us warm,
and safe-
from everything that brought on frosts.
I can't guarantee it won't return,
but for now-
let's dance in the sun-
like the rays
between the leaves.
Shining and hiding-
between the trees.
Reach your arms up-
just like them.
I am going to hold on tight.

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